It usually begins with a dream turning lucid. The lucidity is energetic and entrancing, I become fully immersed in what feels like divine truth. At this point however it is difficult to stay in the dream depending on my energy level that day or that week. For example, if I have been practicing my qi gong, yoga, meditation and have been taking care of myself I tend to have the energy to have the ability to 'astrally project' or in other words travel outside of my physical body. I will touch on this concept at a later date.
Anyways, once the dream turns into what feels, smells and looks like 'reality' I know that I have limited time to explore, fly or ask questions. I begin my lucid dream state by first recognizing and observing my surroundings.I am completely aware. Typically I am in a place I do not recognize from waking life but sometimes I end up in past dreamscapes. Next, I feel my hands and put them out in front of me and study each detail, each line to make sure it is my body I am inhabiting. Then, I look at my entire body, most times I am unclothed, au natural. The third step leads me to a feeling of complete and utter freedom, bliss and love, all in one ecstatic instant or realization. I am in some state of union. I start to feel things like the energy between my hands when I rub them together or the feeling of furry fabric that has revealed itself beside me. In short, it is amazing. Everything is glowing and pulsating.
Then, I am aware I have limited time to make a decision. But a decision about what? I try to remember all of the questions and quandaries that make up my life. What do I ask for? What do I do now? Recently I have learned how to fly. At first it was terrifying trying to leave my body. I would be literally overtaken by fear of the unknown. In fact I was so afraid that I would count to three and wake myself up. Each time before I would awake in my bed there was a moment of pause, of limbo. I would land in total darkness. Feeling halfway in between body and soul. It was maddening. My heart would pound but my body remained paralyzed. I would consciously have to muster energy from my feet to my head and in one fell swoop would push myself back into myself. Sometimes a flash of bright light would occur, sometimes a spirit would be crawling along my body holding me down. And then...I would awake. Still remembering and feeling the intensity of everything.
Months later came the time when I learned how to fly. I let go of fear and gave into trust. That is when the magic began, seriously...
Can't wait to hear what happens next!